Technical Boilerhouse Risk Assessment
Why do you need a Technical Boilerhouse Risk Assessment?
With significant stored energy, failure of steam or pressurised hot water boiler plant can cause catastrophic damage and serious injuries with the potential for multiple fatalities.
A Technical Boilerhouse Risk Assessment is a vital link in the safety chain to minimise risk and ensure the safety of all involved with the plant or in the vicinity.
The Technical Boilerhouse Risk Assessment is a legal requirement (Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999) and is necessary to comply with the requirements of SAFed BG01, under which the majority of plant should be operated.
With around 100 pressure vessel failures and at least one fatality per annum in the UK (HSE RIDDOR 2014), the importance of a Technical Boilerhouse Risk Assessment cannot be overstated.
A Technical Boilerhouse Risk assessment conducted by one of our experienced Engineers will examine all areas of the plant, operation and management to identify areas of risk and propose mitigation measures, giving you peace of mind that the plant may be operated safely and that all relevant guidance and legislation are met.
Non compliance with the law can result in substantial fines and the likelihood of a custodial sentence in the event of serious injuries or a fatality.